Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 30, 2024
Children, Remember That You Are All Called to This Merciful Love, Not Only at Christmas, but Every Day of Your Lives
Message by the Mother of Love through Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy on December 22, 2024, During the Prayer at His Home

My dear and beloved children, watch and be ready, with torches in hand, to go forth to meet the Lord who comes to visit you.
My children, prepare your hearts to meet Jesus who desires to be born in your lives and to enter your hearts. My children, I again will have to lay the Child Jesus next to My children who suffer from war, from injustice, from calamities, from hunger and poverty, I will have to lay Jesus next to those who suffer often victims of the indifference of their brothers and sisters. While many of My children, live as if God did not exist and do not care about the brother who suffers, I will again ask the King of Peace for you all the gift of peace; peace in hearts, peace in families and peace in the whole world.
His birth is not the externalities that I see, it is not the little gifts among you, that is not faith, His birth is the light of the world that you must welcome in you by opening your hearts.
I bless all of you by exhorting you to the prayer of the heart, I bless in a special way My instrument that I hold close to Me and caress in this time of trial by encouraging it to walk without stopping in spreading God's love to the neediest brothers and sisters through works of mercy. Children, remember that you are all called to this merciful love, not only at Christmas, but every day of your lives. Embrace His testimony, welcome and share His love toward your brothers and sisters, so you too can say: I celebrated His birth.
I bless everyone in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, may it be a Holy Christmas of faith and rebirth for all! Ciao, My children.
Source: ➥